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What’s on: October
- Pre-release order for Happy Helper books (order by 7th if you want them before Christmas)
- Sandra Joy is going on tour with the Happy Helper books. Bookings available now for January and February.
- Life’s Toolbox anthologies are filling up, but space is still available. Please submit your story ASAP.
- Life: a variant of adventure is selling nicely.
- Monday 3rd is the Labour Day Public Holiday. Do something pleasurable (and write about it).
- The IF Maitland 2022 Indie Writers Festival & Artfest is on October 21-30.
- School holidays in NSW until 9th. Enjoy!
- I will be in the Wollondilly Shire 22-24th booking tour events.
- Is your manuscript ready for editing? Kani will accept manuscripts for editing during the period of 1-13 November.
Coming soon:
- November is National Novel Writing Month.
- Publication of Life’s Toolbox: Firsts.
- Kani will accept manuscripts for editing during the period of 1-13 November.
- Children’s competitions open for the month of November.
- Tour dates will be released for January and February.